The quest for finding self sufficiency starts with understanding who you are not and how your values, morals, and ethics guides you to create an identity through the criteria of reflecting and analyzing decisions by perspectives, outcomes and consequences.
Leadership Development Chapter One: Finding Yourself
Most of us were educated from an early age to be part of an idustrialized system that measured memorization as the epithamy of intelligence, with the objective of creating followers and workers that will adapt quickly to the industry demands.
The industry demands Leadership development!
But where could we start?
We are in desperate need of producing leaders that can evolve our educational, work and law system. Fight corruption and lead our communities to consistent changes for the common good.
Colleges, universities, corporations and politicians priorities are to fulfill business agendas and keeping investors happy. Choosing elitism and revenues over people development, well being and growth.
Students are in debt, schools are overcrowded, parents are not involved enough, corporations fail to commit to training programs, career paths and successive planning. The lack of one on one guidance and empowering creativity has brought us to minimize production of leaders, pioneers and people of value in our society.
Forging Champions believes in evolving minds, visions and habits.
We mentor the psychology, professional etiquette, morals, values, team building, creativity and the evolutionary mindset that servant leaders must have to create growth in everyone’s life.
Our goal is to build a better world through humility, creativity and love.